Cowpen Slough protects a natural area of watershed flowing into Lake Marion.

Cowpen Slough consists of 15 acres on Lake Marion, southeast of Haines City in Polk County. The Preserve is on the southwest corner of Lake Marion, following Lake Marion Rd and turning onto S. Bay, the entrance is on the right (east). Coming from the east, look for the historical sign on the north side of Lake Marion Rd between Jim Edwards and S. Bay. Public access is challenging, although the property does have a boardwalk for limited access.

More than a century ago, Chief Chipco's hunting ground was Cow Pen Slough, and he had two camps near the area. Echo Emathla Chopco, pronounced 'Chipco' by the settlers, stands as an example to us all for his courage in overcoming hatred and doing what is right.

Green Horizon Land Trust created this interpretive sign that recognizes both the contributions of Chief Chipco and the landscape he loved. Click to see a large version.

By the end of his life the settlers called him "a lover of peace, and a friend of the white man." Chipco was so well known and respected that when he died at an advanced age in 1881, newspapers all across the southeastern United States ran his obituary.

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